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- IACT's April Pānui
IACT's April Pānui
The latest news and updates from the Tāhono whānau
Nau mai, haere mai
Welcome to our monthly pānui, where you can find all of the latest updates from Inclusive Aotearoa Collective Tāhono! We hope this newsletter finds you well amidst turbulent weather, colder temperatures, and busy days.
The past month has kept us on our toes, as our constellations continue to grow, develop, and strengthen. We released an exciting new paper on Systems Change, met with a lot of institutions and awesome organisations to advocate for Bridging Cultures, and had our first Te Tiriti workshop (of many to come). Read on to see what we have been up to 🫰
Noho ora mai from the IACT whānau
Our co-leads Anjum and Gareth with Paul Hunt and Philippa Moran from the Humans Rights Commission.
He aha te kai a te rangatira? He kōrero, he kōrero, he kōrero.
What is the food of the leader? It is knowledge. It is communication.
Aroha atu, aroha mai
Let us show respect for each other
Tātou i a tātou katoa
For one another
Hui e! Taiki e!
Bind us all together!
Projects & Constellations
Conversations about Belonging
Atarau held a B&I conversation with Wellbeing Ōpuke in Ōpuke Methven earlier last month, hearing the locals stories of what belonging means to them, and engaging with ideas that could facilitate connection and inclusivity in the area!
This hui bookends the series of 2022-23 Conversations about Belonging that we have been facilitating across the motu. All of the kōrero that were held during this time will be analysed and compared to the themes that emerged from our 2020 research, that we recommend checking out here!
In the mean time, stay tuned into our Belonging and Inclusion video series on our socials that will be covering some of the main themes and stories that emerged.
Coalition for Better Digital Policy Petition
There is still time to sign our petition to #FixTheCode!
Our Coalition aims to enable robust, inclusive, and effective regulation of technology, with a focus on upholding human rights and preserving the benefits technology can provide. There is a discussion about this initiative becoming a model for the world, so we must get this right!
Launch of new Systems-change paper from SASS!
Kōrero in action! - img. credit Anissa Ljanta
Almost a week ago we held the launch of the SASS paper ‘Voices from the Frontlines: Community-driven Pathways for Systems Change in Aotearoa’. It was such an amazing day, and we are so glad to be able to share this paper with those that are interested and passionate about creating a more equitable, inclusive, and Te Tiriti-driven Aotearoa through Systems Change. The paper offers a framework of actionable steps for those that want to learn more, which you can find in the link below 💕
A big mihi to those who came out to kōrero in the rain, and to the SASS team for all of their amazing work! Also a giant thank you to our funders: firstly to The Todd Foundation for funding our workshops and the writing of this paper, and to Clare Foundation for making our launch event possible!
Calling for members for our Ethnic Youth Voices group
Some of the crew at our last Connect and Kōrero event - photo credit: Shakie Muliro
We are on the lookout for new members to join our Ethnic Youth Voices group! If you know of any motivated ethnic and pacific youth between the ages of 15-24 that could be keen on putting together a project to create social alongside some of the IACT team, then reach out to [email protected]. Kia ora!
News, Events and Resources
Our first Te Tiriti session with YWCA
Atarau, Gareth and Anjum with the YWCA whānau on their first Te Tiriti training session ❤️
The Y Tāmaki Makaurau kaimahi & board came together with Atarau, Gareth, and Anjum to mark the beginning of a journey of growth through Te Tiriti education and embracement. It was such an amazing day, and we are so excited for our future Te Tiriti workshops that we will be holding with them throughout the year. A big mihi to them all for their commitment and compassion to the kaupapa ❤️
We need responses to our National Strategy Plan
On the 30th of March, we sent out a form inviting recipients to place feedback on our latest national strategy plan: A Community-Based National Diversity and Inclusion Strategy.
This strategy highlights the processes and practices we have found from our research that can help projects similar to ours facilitate the a kaupapa that is inclusive and honouring of Te Tiriti.
We need some more feedback from ya’ll before we can publish a complete document to share with the world, so we are please asking for organisations and community groups to complete the form below responding to the document. As a thank you, we would be happy to list your cause in the ‘resources kete’ of our new website (coming soon 👀)!
Our strategy outlines what we want to achieve, with eight elements that we think are essential in fulfilling our goal to establish inclusive communities. This strategy
And that’s it for now. Thank you for reading, being a part of our cause, and being an awesome person! You can find us on our socials below: