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  • We are coming to Blenheim and Nelson next month - join us!

We are coming to Blenheim and Nelson next month - join us!

The next dates for our Bridging Cultures project

Tēnā koutou!

In November we will be bringing our Bridging Cultures workshops to marae at the top of the south island, landing in Blenheim on November 4th before moving on to Nelson on November 23rd.

Bridging Cultures is a free event that connects Ethnic and Pasifika communities with tangata whenua and local iwi history, with the aim to strengthen community relationships and encourage future collaboration.

Our first Bridging Cultures hui in Wellington

Bridging Cultures emerged from reoccurring feedback from these communities, describing their lack of connection with each other. We believe that community solidarity is a critical part of anti-racism work, as building connections and sharing stories promotes inclusion and belonging for the many different ethnicities that call Aotearoa home.

The five sessions we have run so far have been incredibly enriching, so we hope that you can join us for this next one. Kai will be provided, meaning you only need to bring yourself, your story, and an open mind!

If you are interested in attending either of the hui, then please reach out to [email protected] for a link to the registration or any further information. Please feel free to share this pānui with those that you think would find the day valuable.

A big mihi to the Rātā Foundation for making this mahi possible.