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  • Bridging Cultures community event: Papakura Auckland - August 12th

Bridging Cultures community event: Papakura Auckland - August 12th

Tēnā koutou!

Next Saturday on August 12th, we will be holding our third Bridging Cultures hui in Papakura, Tāmaki Makaurau.

This is a free event that aims to connect Ethnic and Pasifika communities with tangata whenua and local Māori history while strengthening community relationships and encouraging collaboration into the future.

Bridging Cultures emerged from reoccurring feedback from these communities, describing their lack of connection with each other. We believe that community solidarity is a critical part of anti-racism work, as building connections and sharing stories promotes inclusion and belonging for the many different ethnicities that call Aotearoa home.

Our first two hui were enriching events that exhibited the power of connection - so we hope that you can join us for this next one. Kai will be provided, meaning you only need to bring yourself, your story, and an open mind!

When: August 12th, 08:45 AM
Where: Papakura, Auckland (address provided upon registration)

If you are interested in attending this hui then please reach out to [email protected] for a link to the registration or any further information. Please feel free to share this pānui with those that you think would find the day valuable.

Thank you to all our funders that make these important conversations and connections possible: The Tindall Foundation, TODD Foundation, Trust Waikato, Foundation North, Wellington Community Trust, and the Ministry for Social Development.